
  • A linkable profile page on complete with a paragraph description of member business, specialties, horticulture degrees and awards and photos for a slide show of your business and work.
  • A searchable directory by name, business category, or region
  • VNLA/Green Works notices and updates of calendar events
  • VCH brochure for promotional distribution
  • Marketing of VCH program to the public (radio, Vermont Flower Show)
  • Downloadable VCH logos for marketing purposes
  • VNLA/Green Works VCH login where you can post job listings, classified ads, and find relevant news and information.

“When I first considered going off on my own and starting my own landscape and garden design business, it seemed important to me to have formal credentials and the backing of an industry association. Becoming a VCH seemed to me to be a way to accumulate my broad-reaching resume into a single credential easily presented to any potential new client. Being certified reassures our clients that we have the advanced knowledge and experience to do a good job for them, and to mentor them and enhance what they are already doing in their gardens and landscapes.”

– Liz Paquette, Hepatica Gardens